Welcome to Our bolg!!!!

Welcome! This blog is about Hodgkin's disease. We hope that you learn a lot about this disease. We will try to make this the most fun and informational blog that you find on Hodgkin's disease. Hope you like this blog!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Thank you for reading this blog. Thank you for posting your comments.

Marny, Lucy and Emma

Marny: Hey guys whats up?
Lucy: Hey.
Emma: Hey you guys guess what.
Lucy: Just doing another project.
Marny: Oh that sounds like fun, what is it about?
Emma: I heard that it was about the life expectancy rate in 1950 of Hodgkins disease.
Lucy: Thats right how did you hear that.
Marny: Oh I had to do that project. It wasnt that hard do want me to give you some answers?
Lucy: Sure. That would be great, I'm kinda at a brain block.
Marny: Well since I couldn't find the life expectancy in 1950, I found some stuff in 1983. The kids 15 and younger with hodgkin disease had a 5 year life expectancy. And that was the same with adults too.
Lucy: Thats so sad.
Emma: I now right what about the life expectancy now. You know I don't want to die now!!!
Marny: Don't worry the approach has change and now you can get cured pretty fast when you have the disease. They use radiation and different types of drugs that can cure you fast.
Emma: Oh good that makes me feel so much better.
Lucy: But that still doesn't answer my question.
Marny: Oh right, back to that.
Lucy: My other question was how has the life expectancy change from then to now?
Marny: Well in 2004 the life expectancy has gone done way down. In 1950 over 1403 people had died from Hodgkin disease. And in 2004 that rate has gone way down.
Lucy: That you so much. Now I know i'll get a good grade on my project.
Marny: Your welcome.
Emma: Well guys I've got to go. Bye.
Lucy: Bye.
Marny: Bye.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dr. Horton and the Whos

Thank you for all the question- Dr. Horton
Thank you for answering our questions I hope that we can meet next time to descuss some more. We wish you didn't have to go to another meeting. Bye- Whos
Bye- Dr. Horton

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Dr. Horton explaining treatments and drugs

Hello, My name is Dr. Horton.
I am with the H.T.E.T.T.W a.k.a (How to explain things to Who's.)
Today i am going to be answering questions from my dear whoos about Hodgkins Disease. Lets begin
Question 1: What is the current treatment for Hodgkins Disease. Please describe the steps
Answer: Well there are treatments such as Chemotherapy, Radiation, and Bone marrow and cell transplant but the steps are too complicated to describe. Next question please.
Question 2: Why is Hogdkins disease so fatal?
Answer: The reason why people would die from the cancer before is unknown, but now most people can be cured from the cancer.
Question 3: What are the different classifications of the disease?
Answer: 30 to 60% of cases have Nodulcar Sclerosis. 20 to 40% of cases have Mixed Cellularity, and 5 to 10% of cases have Lymphocyte Predominat.
Question 4: What is the life expectancy rate in 1950 to now? How has the life expectancy change?
Answer: We will get back to that question later Dr. Horton has to go to another meeting on Hodgkin disease. Bye Whos.

On the phone with Annie and Simone.

Annie:Hey Simone do you know how Hodgkins Disease impacts the body???
Simone:Uh not really...why do you need to know?
Annie: Oh its for a project I have to do in Core Extension.
Simone: Oh well I don't know anything about Hopkins Disease..sorry
Annie: HODGKINS disease not Hopkins smarty. That's okay I'll just look it up on Google.
Simone: Uh..okay you do that, call me if you find out anything cool okay? Bye!
Annie: Will do Simone. Bye!
3 to 4 hours later.......
Simone: Hello??
Annie: Hey Simone I found out something really cool about Hodgkins Disease. Wanna hear??
Simone: Well you called me for a reason right? Lets hear it
Annie: Okay so I found out that when you have Hodgkins Diease, some syptoms are Fever Chills and loss of appetite. Also unexplained weight loss and painless swelling of lymph nodes in you neck. You can also get coughing,trouble breathing, and chest pains.Cool huh??
Simone: Cool? your crazy Annie!! How on earth is someone dying cool??
Annie:Well I meant it's kind of interesting gosh don't get all p.o.
Simone: Is that really the reason you called me Annie?? To tell me that the symptoms of Hodgkins Disease are cool?? Wow Goodbye Annie.
Annie: Oh well okay Simone....bye.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Roxy and Tanya's conversation on Hodgkins disease.

Roxy: Hey do you know what Hodgkins disease?
Tanya: Not really why do you??
Roxy: Well i know some things but not a lot. I know that its a type of cancer in which the lymph nodes become enlarged
Tanya: Really that's so weird.
Roxy:Ikr?? i don't know anyone that actually has/had it
Tanya: Yeah me neither
Roxy: oh wait. i do know that Thomas Hodgkins was the first person to describe Hodgkins disease.
Tanya: Cool.
Roxy: It is kind of cool isn't it??
Tanya: Yeah. What else do you know about Hodgkins Disease?
Roxy:Well i know that the fatal levels are higher for men than women.
Tanya:Wow that's kind of unfair.
Roxy: Yeah it is.
Tanya: Do you know the cause for the disease?
Roxy: No I read that the cause is completely unknown by scientists. Sucks huh?
Tanya: By far!! I'm super thankful that I don't have Hodgkins disease.
Roxy:Want to know what happens when you get Hodgkins Disease?
Tanya: Yeah sure.
Roxy:Well if you have Hodgkins Disease it takes over groups of lymph nodes at a time and takes a long time to spread through the body.
Tanya:Oh wow that is horrible!
Roxy:I know right?? Ugh now I'm all sad. I have to go Tanya see you at school tomorrow okay??
Tanya: Yeah I feel so bad now. gee thanks for telling me all this happy information. See you later Roxy, bye!

Post what you know!!!

Hola People!! our blog is mostly going to be about Hodgkins disease!! if you have anything to relate to hodgkins disease then please post something that might be able to help us with our Social Studies project. and if you are a doctor or a nurse....please post EVERYTHING you know about it. MERCI BEAUCOUP!! (thank you a lot)